Release Notes - June 2013
These changes are being made during June 2013. This document will be updated as additional changes are made.
What, another note? Heck, yeah! ShowGrounds is working hard to improve your software experience on a daily basis. Please contact us if you have any questions about the following points, all accessible in the Class Rules option on the palette.
ShowGrounds has recently addressed same-day add/scratch rules as well as show nomination fees. We've created three new types of class rules in our software -- these will make managing your data even smoother than before.
These new rules, once set, will work whether add/drops are added in the office, from the website, or from the iOS app. Read on for details.
1. Schedule Day Fee
The "Schedule Day Fee" rule can be associated with a fee you want to charge for classes that are added on the same day as the scheduled event. You can now set this rule to any class where it is applicable. It will automatically add a $10 fee (or whatever amount your company customizes in the fee record).
2. Same-Day Scratch Fee
The "Same Day Scratch Fee" can be applied when a class is dropped on the same day as it is scheduled. This type is based on percentage. So, for instance, you can charge 50% of the class fee if dropped on the day of the event. When this rule is applied, the percentage of the class price will be charged as a fee on the entry. You can, of course, set this percentage to whatever your company chooses. This rule will be applied for each class of the entry, meaning if an entry has two classes scheduled for the day it is dropped, the rule will apply two separate fees, one for each class.
3. Show Nomination Fee
The "Same Day Scratch Fee" can be applied when a class is dropped on the same day as it is scheduled. This type is based on percentage. So, for instance, you can charge 50% of the class fee if dropped on the day of the event. When this rule is applied, the percentage of the class price will be charged as a fee on the entry. You can, of course, set this percentage to whatever your company chooses. This rule will be applied for each class of the entry, meaning if an entry has two classes scheduled for the day it is dropped, the rule will apply two separate fees, one for each class.
Thank you to Rocky Mountain Show Jumping and Thunderbird Show Park for suggesting these feature enhancements. We are always here to make your software better, so please don't hesitate to reach out!
Last updated