📔Release Notes - February 2019
These changes are being made during February 2019. This document will be updated as additional changes are made.
New Features:
Quick Search
Added a new Quick Search called "Competing entries". This search will bring back all entries in the current show that are in at least one class. This will ensure that FEI, EC entries, people with show passes, and all entries that are not required to have USEF membership are included in the search.
Improvements and Fixes
Report Fixes:
Ability to print withholding for just one person.
We added Two new Reports:
Withholding Tax - Batch Summary for Selection.
Withholding Tax - Detail for Selection.
Both reports use the selection/subset of RTOs. The previous Withholding Tax reports continue to work for all RTOs.
Tax line added to invoices.
For shows that charge taxes, the tax code has been added to invoices.
Printing Multiple Invoices.
When printing multiple invoices for one person, now only the invoices with the following activity will print:
Any entry with any fees
Any entry with class fees
Any entry with payment (either payment or credit transfer)
Classic Score Report Improvement.
Classic Score Report now lists horses in numerical order (rather than order of go) and order column is removed.
Ability to make pdf of 1099 Report.
To make a PDF of the 1099 report in V17 (Mac only) press the option key right after selecting the 1099 report and then you can enter the year of the report and can save as PDF.
Stabling Report.
Added two columns to the "Stabling Report by Trainer-with detail" to allow for more stabling related fees to this report.
Ring location now printing on all class division reports.
All Division Point Summary Reports now print the ring number of last scheduled class of the Division. This makes it much easier to get division sheets out to the right ring for calculating championships out at the rings.
Bug Fixes:
Look up issue caused when farm and person share same USEF number- Fixed.
An issue that caused confusion on results reports because the "how many" in a class was being retained when replicating/importing class records to a new show. Fixed.
Drop down lists unavailable. This happened for a few drop-down lists with the new version. Fixed.
Bug where memberships were showing active in the system (therefore not showing up on searches for missing current memberships) that were not truly active. Fixed.
When creating entries when adding a horse, the horse list (to pick the horse) allows the user to arrow up or down to highlight the horse desired. This was not working for people. Fixed.
Link for downloading client:
Anyone needing access to client download can use this link: Download
Last updated