📓Release Notes - April 2022

These changes are being made during March 2022. This document will be updated as additional changes are made.

New Changes

Parent/Guardian Signature for Entry Blanks

We have added the option to select a parent/guardian signature on entry blanks from one of the RTOs associated with the entry blank.

USHJA Option Added as a Section Code

We have added the USHJA section code in the Classes and Divisions modules. You can now use the USHJA section dropdown list for classes and divisions.

Updates to Stabling Reservations - Check in/out times

We have updated the stabling reservation tab during the entry process to allow show companies to require a check in and out time.

To utilize and set up this feature, you can find this under the Settings option under SGL Functions.

We is now a tab named "Stabling Setting" within settings to allow users to select if they wish to utilize the stabling with check in and check out times.

To use this feature, check the checkbox for "Collect stabling check-in/check-out time" and input the desired information for check-in and check-out dates and times.

After the settings have been selected if an exhibitor creating an entry adds a Stabling product in the add entry process or supply ordering process, then they is asked to provide the check-in and check-out dates and times once, regardless of how many stalls are ordered. These check-in and check-out selections will also be applied to all Entries throughout the series if they are added to more than one show in the Add Series option.

The provided information is displayed in the entry fee detail in the office for all stalls ordered during the entry process on the web.

Please note that this feature is ONLY available in the plug-in site.

Horse Holds

We have modified the "Vet Hold" option to now be located under the Horses module and not the Entries module. Horses on hold will not be able to be added to entries online but they can be added from office. They also cannot have classes added to them until the hold is removed.

Small Changes & Bug Fixes

  1. There was an issue with the digital signature verification step in the entry process freezing and not loading. This has been corrected.

  2. There was an issue with USHJA memberships were appearing with no information. This has been corrected.

  3. There was a bug in the IOS app that was causing classes to appear without any trips in them. This has been fixed.

Last updated