📓Release Notes - September 2022

These changes are being made during September 2022. This document will be updated as additional changes are made.

New Changes

Pyramid - Get Class

There is a new version of Pyramid that all show companies using Pyramid need to update to in order to resolve the Get Class issue that was previously a problem.

Version 3.49 8/31/2022

- Changed the process for the Get Class option from the Showgrounds option on

the Header tab so it can now deal with non-standard http ports. Now the URL

may specify the port as part of the URL. In other words ending, for example,

in :8080/


Quick Action for Picking Up Entries by the Show Office

We have added an option under the quick actions wheel on the Entries Module to allow users to bulk pick up entries by the show office without having to click on each entry.

Once you have clicked on the Mark Entries as Picked Up action, you will receive this alert.

Once you have selected yes, you will then get confirmation that the entries are listed as picked up.

Small Changes & Bug Fixes

  1. There was a bug when copying a show over that had previously combined divisions, the system would recognize the old data and prompt an error message stating that the divisions were already combined. This has been fixed and the system will not remember any previous combining from old shows.

  2. The USHJA Outreach membership status was showing as an active/inactive status when it should not be active or inactive. This has been fixed.

  3. There was a bug when creating a new show that classes in divisions would be moved into the incorrect divisions. We have fixed this by disabling the New Division button when a new Show record is created. You can add Divisions once you have saved the Show.

  4. When exporting the Simple Scheduler classes, the info classes were not included in the export. This has been fixed and they will show online in the ring status page.

Last updated