📔Release Notes- December 2023

These changes are being made during December 2023. This document will be updated as additional changes are made.


With the updates from the API from USHJA, we have added new values in the response.

The Horse USHJA membership record now shows the Microchip Number and the Microchip Status.

This can be seen in the Horse record itself and the USHJA API in the Entry.

Changing Secured Card on Entry

We have added the option to change the credit card that was used to secure the entry.

When you access the Entry and go to the Account tab of the entry, you will now see beside the Secured Card Detail, a Change Card option.

Card Selection

Clicking this Change Card option will bring up a box to select a new card to associate to the entry.

The available cards found in this selection are the cards that are associated to the RTO's on the entry. Each card will list which person on the entry it is associated to. This card for example is associated to the Owner, Trainer, and Rider because this person acts as all three on the entry.

** Cards cannot be added from this section. If the card you are wanting to select is not available, you will need to go to the specific person's RTO account to add the new card.

Once you have selected the new card, the card information will update in this box. You must hit Apply to update the card on the entry.

Once you have completed this, the entry will show the new chosen card as the secured card on the entry.

To complete your card change, you must save the entry record as well.

Login Linking Skip Option Removed

The option to skip the login linking process has been removed from login. If you have not linked your login to your SGL account, you must complete this now. Attached to this document, is the link for the instructions on how to complete the linking process.


Small Bug Fixes

  1. There was an issue on the site with the Subscribe Now button for the iOS subscription. This has been fixed, so exhibitors can purchase the iOS subscription on the site.

  2. We have added the option in the class search to search for classes that are missing requirements. This is a checkbox that is now found at the bottom of the search classes box.

  3. With the changes to officials in the system, the web side of things also needed to be updated. Online, it was displaying all officials as Judges. This has been fixed and the web now shows people classified as either Course Designers or Judges.

Last updated