Circuits List View – Quick Actions

Update Standings

The Update Standings quick action will recalculate the standings for the selected circuit.

Once the user has the Circuit subset and have selected the Update Standings quick action, this message will appear confirming they wish to update the standings for the selected Circuit.

Once the user clicks “Yes” a progress bar will appear with the progress of each division the system is updating.

Once the system is completed with the standing updates, the progress bar will disappear and the standings will be updated for the subset Circuit.

Export Division Class Analysis

The Export Division Class Analysis quick action will give the user an export of all the divisions for the subset circuit class analysis.

Once the user has selected the Export Division Class Analysis quick action, they will be prompted to select an export location for the file, or they can use the “make new folder” button to create a new folder for the export.

Once the file has been exported to the desired location, the folder will hold one file with all the exported class analysis information.

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