RTO List View


The list view for the RTOs module allows you to see and filter the RTO records. You also can print reports relevant to RTOs and perform other functions from the list view. This page will review all those options.

List View General Functionality

Many of the basic features of our list views for any module are the same. Please take a look at this article for an overview.

Find RTOs

As with all modules there are several ways to find the records you need. Each of these is listed here.

The search button at the top provides a search tool for common search criteria. Using this search tool will help you find a selection of people (riders, trainers or owners) that meet your criteria. You can then use the selection of people for a report or other action you need to perform.

  1. Name, Address, Email and Phone

    1. Name - Use to find people with a specific name. Please note this search works as a starts with search. E.g. searching for "Smith" would find people with the name "Smith" but also the name "Smithson"

    2. Address Information

      1. Address - You may search for people matching an address such as "1 Main St."

        1. City - Acts as a starts with search. E.g. searching for "Port" would find people that live in cities such as Portland, Portsmith, Port Jarvis

        2. State - Use two digit US state code or canadian province names.

        3. Zip (postal code) - Search based on zip code or postal code.

In RTOs, the search bar will search the following fields.

  • _____ Number

  • RTO Name

  • Phone Number **Note: This will search in both “Phone Number” and “Mobile Number” fields. You can also search phone number in the bottom search tool of RTOs. This behaves as a “contains” search so you can search for any part of the number not only the entire 10 digit number.

Searching RTOs with Missing SSN

To find any or all RTO’s with missing Social Security numbers, complete the following steps.

Under “Select,” on the top file menu, choose “Query Editor.”

Under “Available Fields,” please select “Social_Security_Number.” Under “Comparisons,” please select “is equal to.”

In the “Value” field, located at the bottom of the screen, please leave this blank.

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