Entries List View
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The list view for the entries module allows you to see and filter the entries. You also can print reports relevant to entries and perform other functions from the list view. This page will review all those options.
Many of the basic functions on the list view of each module are the same. You can refer to this documentation for an overview on the list views.
The search option is found towards the top of the entry list. In the search box, you can search for an entry by the entry number, horse name, or a person's name.
If you need to run an advanced search outside of the normal parameters, you can open the Advanced Search option. The following popup will appear on the page.
The user can then input the desired criteria for the entry/entries they are looking for and hit search. Any entry with the desired criteria will then show in the list view.
These are the buttons that are found at the very top right of the list view.
This option is used when a search has been run. Hitting the all button will then show the list of all entries in that specific show.
The Add button allows the user to manually add a new entry to the show.
When the add option is chosen, a blank entry detail screen will show.
Under any of the options (Horse, Rider, Trainer, Stable) the user can type in a name, and hit enter, and a dialog box with options from that search for the entry will appear.
If the horse you are searching for is on the list, you can highlight the record and choose select and the information for the horse will be entered automatically into the entry detail.
Horses that have been added from the existing database will automatically input the owner and trainer that have been associated to the horse in past entries. Horses that are added from USEF, EC, and FEI will automatically enter the horse and owner information.
*If the search does not locate the specific horse/person that the user is looking for, the user can choose the Add New option.
The user will then need to add all of the horse information in the entry.
This tab is where you will add the rider for the entry, add classes to the entry, and set the Prize Money Recipient.
You can either search for your rider or select your rider from the dropbox. The dropbox will show the owner and the trainer if those are two different people.
Once you have chosen your rider(s), you can add classes for the entry. Classes will be associated to each rider if there are multiple riders on the entry.
For an entry, fees will show in the account tab. Any fee that is set as a default on a show will automatically be applied to an entry. If a fee needs to be added to an entry, that can be accomplished in the account tab.
Adding a fee is done by hitting the Add Fee button. This will bring up a box to select the fee and the quantity of the fee being applied to the entry.
This tab is also where the Responsible Party for the entry is set. The user can select whether the owner, trainer, or other person is going to be the Responsible Party. If the user chooses other, a search can be run to choose the person responsible for the entry.
Once the user has all of the information entered for the entry, hitting save will save the entry information and the entry will be added to the show.
The print option is used to print any report associated with the Entries module. To view a list of these report options for the Entry module, click here.
This option is used to delete an entry. *This should be used with caution as deleting an entry cannot be undone.
The verification tool allows users to run a verification of memberships in the list of entries.
Clicking on the Verification button will show the following options.
To run a verification, you will choose the Verify Entries option.
This will open the verification screen. Entries can be verified by System Organizations for horse or rider, Non-System Organizations, horse and rider requirements, or several other options.
Once you have chosen which requirements or organizations you are wanting to see verified, hit continue. The search will run and then will show verified entries with a green dot and entries missing the specific requirement will show with a red dot.
If you want to see either specifically unverified or verified entries, you can choose either of those options from that verification list.
When you are done using the verification tool, you can choose the Clear Verification Results and the list will go to the default view of entries.
To see the list of quick actions and what is performed by each action, click here.