Licensing Processes

Creating a New Show

Creating a new show record in the beta environment is still similar to the process in 4D; however, there are some minor changes that we will discuss here.

Now, in the beta environment, there are three types of licenses that users can choose to use. These include Template Show, Demo Show, and Regular License.

Template Show

A template show only allows the creation of a show record. No entries are allowed to be entered into any shows created using this license.

This type of license is used to test the basis of creating a new show.

Demo Show

This type of show license allows up to 25 entries to be added into the show.

With this type of license, you can test the basis of building a show and inputting entries.

Regular License

This license allows as many entries added into the show as the user wants.

To use this license, the user must have an asset code and passcode. These can be obtained by contacting the support team and requesting a code for the show.

When requesting the asset code, we will also need the number of entries that the user does want to create the show for.

Show Information

When creating a license, the basic information of the show is needed for all three licenses. This information required is the show name and the show dates.

Only the Regular License requires an asset code and passcode. Those input sections will be editable when the Regular License is chosen from the Select License dropbox.

Last updated