Create License Agreement

Creating a license agreement for a new customer is part of the onboarding process.

We have a template license agreement on file in Shared Point. This is found in the Sales_Setup folder.

Opening this folder, there are several documents listed, but the one you are looking for is the Software Licensing Agreement.

Once you have that document found, there is a menu option for the document. Clicking that will bring up a list of actions you can take. If you choose the Copy to option, you can copy that template to your new customer folder.

A popup will come up for you to choose the location to copy the file.

Once you have it copied to your new customer's folder, you can go in and edit the copy to the customer's specific information. You will edit the date and the customer information. Once you have an updated version for the client, you will send that file to the customer to sign.

Once you have a signed copy from the customer and Wes, you will store those in that folder as well.

Last updated