Cloud Application Overview


For most people reading this you are a long or short term user of our ShowGrounds system for managing equestrian events. This software has origins going back to 1987. The version that most of you use today was written starting in 2005 and used for the shows starting in 2006, 18 years ago.

At that time we made the correct decision to store data in a database on premise with our customers. The primary reason was that internet connection were not reliable enough to count on while running an event, and losing access to the the software if the internet was down would cause major disruptions..

Another reason for this decision was the relatively immaturity of Web-based applications at the time. It was simply not possible to build the type of software we needed to build with the complexity required at that time.

Ready for Cloud

A lot has changed in the last 18 years. The main reasons for not building software that runs in a browser (or in the Cloud) have all but disappeared.

Internet access has been helped in two main ways. First, reliable internet is fairly ubiquitous at this point. Most of our customers have reliable internet access and rely on that access for many things including features in our software such as credit card processing and live score data (to name two). The other change is the availability of a range of ways to get on the internet. This includes cell phones, wifi and other means that further enhance general accessibility of the internet.

Aproximately two years ago we embarked on the process of rebuilding our software from the ground up based on modern web technologies. I wont go into the details of those but can say that the tools have become powerful enough to write almost any software to run in a web browser.

We believe we chose the right time to start this process. While we wish we had completed it sooner we are very please to announce the imminent release of our Cloud version of our software. This version includes all the features of our legacy (current) software as well as many many enhancements.

We are excited for the opportunites for innovation that these new tools offer us and look forward to continuing to build a faster, better, smarter platform well into the future.

What is a Cloud Application?

A cloud application is software that runs on remote servers rather than on local computers. Unlike legacy software systems which need to be installed and maintained on individual devices, cloud applications are accessed via the internet, offering several advantages such as scalability, ease of updates, and accessibility from any device with internet access. They enable centralized data management and reduce infrastructure costs, providing a more flexible and efficient solution for modern software needs.

Key Differences from Legacy Systems

  1. Deployment: Cloud applications are hosted on remote servers and accessed through a web browser, whereas legacy systems are typically installed on local computers.

  2. Maintenance: Updates and maintenance of cloud applications are handled by the service provider, simplifying the user experience. Legacy systems often require manual updates and maintenance by the user or IT staff.

  3. Scalability: Cloud applications can easily scale up or down based on demand, while scaling legacy systems usually involves additional hardware and complex configurations.

  4. Accessibility: Cloud applications can be accessed from anywhere with internet connectivity, providing flexibility for remote work. Legacy systems can be restrictive, often requiring access from specific devices or network environments.

  5. Cost: Cloud applications often reduce the need for significant upfront investment in hardware and software. Legacy systems often involve higher initial setup costs and ongoing maintenance expenses.

Last updated