Account Register

Account Register Detail Dialog

Whenever we double click on the account register detail dialog is displayed. The grid shows the sources and destination for the selected account register record.

For Account Register Creadter In 4D: The account registers created in 4D have no source and destination so nothing will be displayed in the grid.

For Account Register Created In Cloud:

  • Credit Account Registers: The account register created when credit is transferred to the account, such as for prize money, balance refunds, withholding tax refunds, etc.

    • No Credit Used: When no amount is transferred from the selected account register to any entry or RTO, no destinations are displayed in the grid.

  • Credit Used: A list of destinations is displayed when you double-click on an account register that was used to pay off multiple entries or create a check.

  • Reversed: If the current account register is reversed due to prize money rollback, payment reversal, or PMR/RP change, then along with destinations, the reversal records for the current account register and destinations are also displayed in the grid.

  • Debit Account Registers: The account register created when credit is transferred from the account to an entry or check, such as for account transfers, prize money checks, balance refund checks, etc.

    • Non-Reversed: The sources that were used to pay the current account register are displayed.

  • Reversed: If the selected account register is reversed, the reversal record is also displayed in the grid along with the sources.

  • Reversal Account Registers: The original account register that was reversed to create the current account register is displayed in the grid.

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