Inactive Features in Beta

This page provides an overview of the features that are not active in the Beta version.

Important Testing Information

When using the beta environment, there are a few important things to remember. The following documentation describes the necessities to remember when testing.

Disabled features

It is important to remember that there are certain aspects in this beta environment that WILL NOT be active/accessible to the tester. These include


SMS messaging is disabled in the Beta environment. This means signature requests, feed delivery confirmation, and other such messages can not and will not be sent.


All emails for the system have also been disabled. No emails for things like order confirmations, new entries, daily schedule emails will be sent. Also the tools in the communications area are also disabled in this version.

Credit Cards Processing

The Beta system is interacting with a test environment for credit card processing. The has a couple of implications

  1. Valid Credit Cards will fail - The test environment will only accept test cards and transactiuons that are attempted with a valid card will fail by design.

  2. Gateways - Your credit card gateways that you normally use will not be present. All customers will have a single test gateway to use for testing credit card charges.

  3. Testing Cards -We will be providing testing credit card numbers you can use if you wish to test these transactions.

Last updated