BETA Overview

What is the BETA version?

Beta testing is the next step towards the full release of ShowGroundsLive in the cloud. The Beta version allows all users to test the functionality of the program without making any changes to your company's database information.

We highly encourage you to spend time in the system and try all the features, especially those that you use most frequently.

Is this what the final cloud version will be?

No this is not the final version, however this version is very close to having all features present and the vast majority of those features have been tested thoroughly.

We will continue with testing and completing some features in the next couple of weeks before beginning to move customers into the production environment.

Where did the data come from

The data in our Beta system is your data. Each show companies data should be present and only users of each show company will have access to your data.

The data came from a "snapshot" of the database taken at Midnight (roughly) on December 16th. Changes in your existing system up to that time should be present. Any changes made after that time will not be present in this system.

Data Usage in Beta

The information provided or changed in this environment will not affect any information found in the working database of your company. This is strictly a test environment with test data.

This system will allow you to explore the new system without changing any important data within your company's database.

Can data inputted into Beta be moved into the live production of clooud?

No, data input into the cloud will not be able to be transferred to the production state of the cloud program. Data input into beta is only available in beta as testing data.

What Can You Expect?

While the program is very similar to the current system of ShowGrounds, we have made a few changes.

Areas you will see that are different include financial changes, shortcut handling, some minor class rule changes, and a few other items. Documentation on these specific differences have been included in this group of documentation and users can refer to those sections and see how they now work. We encourage you to read these sections and learn more about important changes and exciting improvements.

Last updated