Scheduler Issues to Review Before Reporting to Dev

This documentation walks through all the items to check for scheduler issues before reporting any issue to dev. Please refer to this to determine what steps to take when someone reports an issue.

When someone reports any issue with their simple scheduler or online schedule, it is important to check these items before reporting any issues to the development team.

  1. Show Facility

    1. Some customers use multiple facilities. The support team needs to determine that they do in fact have the correct facility set in that specific show.

  2. Show Rings Status

    1. If a show ring that the customer is using is marked as inactive, the online schedule will not show any classes scheduled in that particular ring. If a customer wants to use that ring, the ring needs to be marked as active.

  3. Show Dates/License

    1. Are the show dates correct? Does the license need to be updated?

  4. Classes

    1. Is the class set up as a scheduled class or an info class?

    2. Class start times, are these correct on the scheduler?

    3. Is the class type set correctly to show the correct time per trip?

  5. Do they have multiple shows open and active?

  6. Is the company's schedule set to planned or live? This setting is found in the show management company's settings on

Data Issue Example:

Thunderbird had reported that they were having issues getting their data from Ryegate. The issue here was caused by the fact that they had two shows open and active. They had a waitlist show that was also active along with the 2024 Canadian Premier show. This caused the issue with the Ryegate data.

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