Show Company Switches

This documentation covers the switches that a show company should have turned on.

In the admin site of ShowGroundsLive, under the SGL functions tab is the Show Management Companies option. If you choose that option, you will be brought to the list of show management companies. If you are setting up a new company, you will choose the +New Show Management Company button in the top right hand corner of the page. If you want to edit an existing company's settings, you will simply choose the company.

Once you are in the company you want to add/edit, you will scroll down to find the box of switches. There are two boxes that control the website switches. One is titled Account Page Setting and the other is Switches. These are located on the right side of the page.

This is an example of a company that has its switches already set. The checked boxes turn on that particular setting on.

One important part of the switches box is determining if the schedule is going to be Live or Planned. If the show company has Ingates that will update the timing and schedule, then that can be set to live. If the show company does not have Ingates at a particular show, that will be set to planned. A planned schedule is not updated and follows the planned schedule.

Once you have your switches updated the way you want them, you will scroll to the bottom of the page and submit. This will save the settings.

Last updated